All classes are held at Four Seasons 1 in the North Pool. The pool temperature is kept around 88 degrees. There is plenty of seating for parents in the white chairs along the south side of the pool, or in the lobby overlooking the North Pool.
Locker rooms/Dressing Areas: There are men's and women's locker rooms for dressing. Children over the age 4 should use same sex locker rooms or one of the FOUR family changing areas which are complete with showers and restroom. They are located right outside the south pool and convenient if your swimmer needs to use the restroom during lessons.
Parking Areas: There is parking surrounding the facility; over-
flow parking is north of the facility. And, Springfield Electric
allows customers to park in their lot after their business hours.
They will tow so PLEASE check with the front desk to verify.
Membership: You do not have to be a FS's member to participate in our programs. However, you cannot use any part of their facility (including track, equipment, etc.) while in attendance for the lesson. Just the locker room and changing facilities.