Swim Test are done once a month (TBD).
In order to enroll in group lessons, the swimmer must be at least 3 1/2 years old, 100% potty trained, and able to pass all five swim test activities as shown in the video and described below.
1. Swimmer must walk into the water without tears or a parent’s assistance. *Parents do not go onto the pool deck during any swim lessons.*
2. Diving for rings on our steps assisted by the teacher. (The swimmer goes 1-2 feet below water and grabs toy rings with eyes open.)
3. Float on their back while being assisted by a teacher.
4. Complete 5-10 bobs assisted by the teacher. (The swimmer’s head goes all of the way underwater and the swimmer blows air out through the mouth.)
5. Jump into the water to the teacher from the side of the pool.